The car is delivered to Georgia in a container by sea. The ship leaves the port of Busan, Korea (Busan) and arrives in the port of Poti, Georgia (Poti). Ship goes every week and the time of his way in about 40 days.
- The 20-foot container can accommodate one or two types of sedan cars and the cost of $ 1800
- The 40-foot container can accommodate from three to four types of sedan cars and the cost of $ 2550
- The 40-foot HQ container can hold up to four types of sedan cars and the cost of $ 2650
Note: the exact number of cars that can be loaded into a particular container, and the exact cost of transportation, you can check with our manager. And in conclusion about the quality. You can be sure that you will get in the car as where you bought it. At each stage of the logistics drawn fotoopis cars: during loading, unloading, warehousing, absolutely at all stages. In case of force mazhernyh circumstances (eg scratch) is easy to determine at what point it was done. The company, which is engaged in transportation, at this stage, cover losses in full.