Now more about logistics! Our company has the ability to send the vehicle to any point of the globe! The port of Busan in Korea is recognized as one of the largest transportation hubs in the world. Thus logistics from Korea can be anywhere in the world!
How we ship?
Initially, the vehicle is sea transport. There are two types of transportation: an open way and container. Open way cars are usually transported to countries where the highest traffic car. Most often it is the vessels of Ro-Ro (car arrives and he leaves). The cost of such transport is much lower container. So if in your country there are ferries ro-Ro, we suggest to send a car for them. Container method is typically used if the vehicle must restart. For example, if delivery is planned by sea and land. Container type of transport is usually more expensive than ro-Ro. Uses 2 containers 20ft and 40ft. 20 f 1 car in Vlasim 40F can fit 4.
Our company comes from the fact that the transportation was safe and affordable! Our staff will advise you on the best way to send.